Video of my accepting a Making and Doing Award in Amsterdam summer 2024 for my work at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Conference in Hawaii fall 2023. I come on stage at about min 1:30. If you are unfamiliar with Science and Technology Studies of Society, this brief video will also give you a small window into the breadth of our field and the way in which social scientists, historians, and philosophers of science and technology analyze and engage with science and technology also as pursuits that create culture, the economy, and the world we live in.
Institution, Systems & Policy Analyst and Developer
Researcher, Creative
Agromedicine and Research Faculty
Director, NC AgrAbility ( keeping farmers, farm workers, and Vets to Ag in ag production North Carolina Agriculutural and Technical State University cacookmarshall at Current research and practice platform at NC A&T
Current scope:
The culmination of this work will be an external facing decision-making and connection multi-platform application for improving whole farmer agricultural, financial, and wellness decision-making and increasing farmer connectedness to each other, and, community support for farmers. |
Lexington Press of Rowman & Littlefield in their Studies in Urban-Rural Dynamics series: Big Rural. Big Rural reconceptualizes the economic sectors we take for granted in the 21st Century United States, especially those in single sector rural regions. It analyzes these as large technical systems in order to reveal their developments as deliberate interventions that can be dissected, dismantled, and replaced. Big Rural examines the historical making of the rural industrial space, or “big rural” and this space’s brittleness as a system, how this system breaks and under what duress, and how big rural may be dismantled. Then, given hindsight, Big Rural enters into the remaking of this big rural space from various paths–policy, planning, practice, research. |
a couple of Problems Cook Marshall Has solved
Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media
Cook Marshall reorganized the constituent outreach for the "See Jane" project into a fully fledged organization, "The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media," designed its nonprofit business model and course of action, stewarded its inceptive major donor, and conceived and launched its signature events and mode of outreach and engagement.
Draft National Rural Strategy/
Draft Sustainable Agricultural Strategy Cook Marshall analyzed the need for the
US to address rural issues outside of its current catch-all "The Farm Bill." In her book Big Rural she proposes a forward-thinking national rural strategy, and, follows directly with a sustainable agricultural strategy focused on the development of rural sustainable agricultural infrastructure. Cook Marshall insists the latter must be part of a plan for US food security, national security, and making the lives of rural Americans more equitable. |
Crystal Cook Marshall
Header photo, photo with pigs, photo in grey hat by Nancy Andrews. Crystal Cook Marshall Copyright © 2024